We'll start this off with the sunset on Christmas day. Nice but pretty typical for this time of year. Ah yes, tag administration. I realized, as I was going through many of the problems Kat found in her latest testing, that most were due to lists inside the code not keeping up with decisions and changes made as the portal moves forward. After fixing a couple, for my sake and the sake of future administrators, I went ahead and implemented a tag interface. Registered users who are administrators will have a new submenu option near logout that will take them to the tag administration subsystem. There are pages for adding, editing and deleting the field tags, and screens for controlling which and in what order tags display for the full and brief record views. There is one additional page for listing the tags the mods-rubymods xsl transformation creates, some of these are for headings work and should not be included in displays, nonetheless it is useful to see them without scanning through reams of xsl.
I have to say once again that the ruby on rails made it quite easy to implement the drag and drop interface. The examples at scriptaculous worked with minimal modification.
1 comment:
For some reason, I *never* got around to reading this, and have been bugging you to change tag labels when I never needed to! Stupid me.
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