I have elected to use the included solr distribution within the acts_as_solr plugin although I cannot seem to run it from the rake task within the ide. To run it I have to find the vendor/plugins/acts_as_solr/branches/release_0.9/solr directory within my Apatan workspace and then manually run the instance with java -Djetty.port=8982 -jar start.jar which starts the jetty servlet container at the port that acts_as_rails deems the default for the development environment.
I retooled the mods-solr.xsl to use solr style field designations and to take advantage of the dynamic field names. Since I was thinking about it I re-did the JSON field names to follow similar conventions.
I spent most of the day banging my head against the following problems
- The little I could find on integrating acts_as_solr and will_paginate did not seem to work. I eventually settled on using the WillPaginate::Collection which seems to work pretty well.
- Sorting results sets with acts_as_solr is beyond my googling. I still don't have it working but have learned a lot about the issue in the meantime.
- Syntactically the format is :order => "
" the discovery of which took me deep within the bowels of acts_as_solr. Errors about "title_t".keys method not found required the full tour. - acts_as_solr as of release 0.9 does not use the standard method for declaration of sorting.
- After reading up on lucene, sorting of string pretty much requires the existence of an untokenized field. This led me to the creation of title_sort field of type alphaSortOnly. This is find but required that I alter the supplied schema.xml which causes me problems with svn since it is down in an svn externals directory. -- Also worth noting is that adding the untokenized form of the title added an eyeball estimate of ~20% to my runtime when indexing records. This should be pursued
- The date sorting will require either a normalized UTC date or a string that we manufacture. Since we are plucking this data out of the MODS xml it may require a bit more
- Either way the sort still did not give me the expected results, I'm not fretting yet I got pretty far today, so I'll just have to dig some more
- I just started looking at facets but can imagine that will be pretty exciting as well.
1 comment:
The little I could find on integrating acts_as_solr and will_paginate did not seem to work. I eventually settled on using the WillPaginate::Collection which seems to work pretty well.
Hi, I'm trying paginate with acts_as_solr myself. Any chance you could save me some head banging and post sample code showing how you used WillPaginate::Collection with the solr results?
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